Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Where have I seen this before

...If you think you seen this before you're right. Its a reproduction of "The Seated Woman" by Picasso.
Basically the assignment was to try a redo of a famous art piece. I also did a redo of Van Eyck's The Arnolfini Wedding but unfortunatly it was lost. You can catch a glimse of the original here. I picked Picasso because the lines might be easy to replicate.

...it seems as though i can't find an image of the original for you to look at but you get the idea. It also seems to be popular image for artists to do their own interpretations of. Hope you enjoyed mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dad bought a print of that painting and it was hung in the family room in my basement when I was young. Eventually it got taken down because my brothers and I refused to enter the basement alone due to the terror said painting struck into our hearts. I quite enjoyed your interpretation of it.

