Sunday, January 22, 2006

She wanted to kill me

...I did some more work on it. It seems i had the foresight to lay something down before painting but alas it was not enough. I still ended up getting paint overspray on the kitchen floor. Lucky for me we had plenty of Comet. a quick scrub and the floor was clean again.

...with one coat of primer and one coat of blue the main parts where ready for assembly. By the way i managed to fab a nice head too. here is what our AnthroPC looks like now.

The arm (timmys cup) is not painted yet because i ran out of primer. behind Timmy you can see a piece of cardboard i used to lay under the head piece for painting. Also if you notice there is a glue gun. It worked really well for assembly so i will use it when the last of the components are ready. Well thats it for now more to come tommorow

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