Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Name That Assignment

...I guess the majority of new posts will be of my highschool weekly assignments. Unless of course I happen to get one of these (hint hint). Or i could simply do things the old fashoned way. Pencil, eraser and paper then scanner. Anyway for tonight i give you this....

This is titled "CBR900RR". I can't remember what the assignment was but I do remember reading all about the bike in Cycle Canada. The picture is essentually a reproduction of a photo in the aformentioned publication. I guess I was a little more open minded about motorcycles back then. I've taken more of a liking to custom choppers nowadays however if i where ever to get a sport bike then probably it would be a Kawasaki Ninja 650. Seems a 900 might be a tad bit too much power for me. Anyway i have one more pic tonight.

Our new kitten. Still accepting suggestions for a name. So far the previous owner called him "Hufflepuff". I was like ah no. "Smokey" came to mind and "Buddy". Ok well thats it for tonight.

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