Monday, October 06, 2008

New Pics From New Camera

Hi y'all. As promised here are a few new pics. Starting with the following one

This is Samantha Joan Carless. She was born August 15th 2008. I took this picture with our Fuji camera using the Potrait mode. I see how that might enhance the skin tones but the effect overall seems to add too much yellow. So the next pic was taken using the Natural light mode.

As you can see it seems to have worked better. The light source was a window that faced east but with overcast skies. And finally one more pic.

This is Renee handing Samantha to meet Colette for the first time. Of all the photos I took that day I think this one came out the best. I really enjoy how the lighting worked and the colors matched so close to how I saw it. The overall composition overwhelms me with emotion. If ever I where to enter an amateur photo contest this one would totally be my pic to enter. Well there's plenty more to come but that's all for now. G'night y'all.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the new addition to your family :) I also favor the natural light pic!


Laura said...

Congratulations... I was just checking out your facebook profile to see if you ever got that third baby... and it led me here! That's pretty exciting and how wonderful for your girls to grow up with 2 sisters!