Tuesday, July 22, 2008

OMG I almost forgot I had this

Hi y'all, as the title of this post would suggest I've almost totally neglected this blog thingy. Some things are coming up though. If you are on facebook it'll be no suprise that we are going to have a baby anytime soon. In prep for that we got a new camera and I'm hoping to start putting up pics and stuff here for the benefit of those who are not on facebook (or faceplant as Opa calls it). In the mean time here's a pic of me at the parade on Canada Day in Steveston.

This pic was taken by Kristin with our old camera (Kodak EasyShare C315). I'm holding the new camera (Fujifilm FinePix S1000fd). Its sooooooooo much better than the old one. Even though it's not a SLR camera, it has a lot of neat features. I hope to learn to use them all. I did shoot almost 4 Gigs worth that day and with a varity of settings. Most if not all of them turned out good. Like this one.

Of course I could always crop and zoom that one but its ok for posting on here. Ok thats all for now. Maybe i'll take a photography course through Parks and Rec. I leave you with one more pic i'll call after the parade....

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