Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year like happy New Year y'all. Oh man my keyboard is starting to scare me. It looks like it could use a hot soapy bath. Of course i'm not shure it will work afterward so i'm afraid to try. In other news we made 2 gingerbread houses. The first one was a kit that the girls helped decorate.

...The second one I made from scratch. I used a 3 by 5 index card as a template and cut 4 identical panels. The front and back panel i still used the 3 by 5 card but cut the rooflines by hand. It turned out like this.

...i guess next time i'll make the roof panels slightly larger than the walls. That way i can avoid having to go all Mike Holmes on it.

..."i'm going to have to tear it all down" LOL

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