Monday, January 15, 2007

Another One

...Whew talk about whirlwind like the last few weeks. What I failed to mention in my last 2 posts is that on New Years Eve we were headed to a friends place when our beloved "Buggy"s transmission fell apart. Now that its been fixed I can't help but be thankful. All this artwork and other stuff helped some of the time go by and kept me distracted enough so I didn't get stressed out over it. Anyway that aside i give you "Saggy" well to be fair she's not really saggy its just that her real name could be shortened to sound something like that.

...uh huh it was another photo ref one. Some people might argue that its cheating. In my defense i'd say that since I'm the one who took the photo then i have the right to alter the image so long as the people in the pictures don't mind me using their likeness its all good. Of course i'd welcome some comments on this so feel free to click on the comments link below and let me know. Ok thats it for tonight.

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