Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back the Time Machine Up Part 2

June 9th.
Our newlywed friends just got back from their honeymoon so we go out to their place to visit. We did not tell the girls right away that we were really going with them to Disneyland. When we got to Dave and Lana's we only told them we where going to a place with shopping and amusement rides. We passed Bellis Fair which had rides and shopping but when the girls protested we told them there was a bigger and better place ahead. When we passed Puyallup they really started to complain, but once again we told them there is a bigger and better place ahead. We stopped in Seattle for lunch and decided to let the girls off the hook but not until after lunch. After lunch we kept on down the I-5 then the girls where really getting upset. I couldn't stand it either so I begged the rest of the adults to stop and let them know. We stopped in Tacoma and finally told them. This is what they looked like at that point.

Kristin was in tears. Colette looked skeptical. They were fine the rest of the way there. In California we seen lots of Palm trees. Colette still the skeptic wondered if the trees where "real" so I had to reassure her..
This was a "real" tree. We had lots of fun. Only 2 bad times at Disneyland. The first was the lineup for the new Finding Nemo ride. Even with our early entry passes we had to wait 3 hours.
Worst lineup EVAR! The ride itself was really cool and worth the wait. The other thing that really wigged me out was Space Mountain. In a word it'd be "vertigo". On the last day there the girls where starting to get tired but thats probably because they where also hungry.

Mommy to the rescue.

And there you go. Thats all for today.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back the time machine up. Part 1

April 28th, The Big Day. After months of planning the day finally arrived. It was Lana and Dave's Wedding. Both my girls and my wife where in the wedding party. The girls, flower girls. My wife, a bridesmaid. I was just there to drive them around. Here are some pics

The Chapel at rehearsal.

My girls and wife just before the ceremony.

The Bride and Groom.

Thats all for today more updates to come.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Summer Was a Blur

Well well, what a time it has been since my last post. No pictures or drawings to post this time. The board i was designing on my last post. Has since been laid to rest. I've decided its one thing to take some time and try to design something but quite another to produce one, let alone one that works. I also made the mistake of asking my manager for some lamination pouches. Thats when he found out that it was I who was making the PTHell name badges. It wasn't so bad that I did a parody of our companies logo. Nor was it bad to put cartoony versions of staff on them with nicknames. The thing he objected to was that I also included a functional barcode that they could scan to make use of systems here. Well it crushed me. That was the whole point of making them. I promised not to make anymore save for myself only and agreed to refer anyone who wished to get a duplicate of their barcode to the manager. Thats all for today. More updates too come soon.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Getting board at work (Pun intented)

Hey'all i'd like to say how busy i've been but its not really true. I have kept myself busy by playing Mr. Engineer. I've put together a printed circut board design and schematic to go with but all i need now is to write some assembler code. Here's what the top silkscreen and pads will look like.

Not much to look at now but when I can afford to get it made i'll post more including production photos.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Another One

...Whew talk about whirlwind like the last few weeks. What I failed to mention in my last 2 posts is that on New Years Eve we were headed to a friends place when our beloved "Buggy"s transmission fell apart. Now that its been fixed I can't help but be thankful. All this artwork and other stuff helped some of the time go by and kept me distracted enough so I didn't get stressed out over it. Anyway that aside i give you "Saggy" well to be fair she's not really saggy its just that her real name could be shortened to sound something like that.

...uh huh it was another photo ref one. Some people might argue that its cheating. In my defense i'd say that since I'm the one who took the photo then i have the right to alter the image so long as the people in the pictures don't mind me using their likeness its all good. Of course i'd welcome some comments on this so feel free to click on the comments link below and let me know. Ok thats it for tonight.

Friday, January 05, 2007


...hiya. Work is picking up again and so are the requests for pics. Here are my 3 most recent ones.

...I don't have any nicknames for these guys. For the purpose of dropping a hint i will however call the above guy Kareem Abdul-Jabar and the guy below i'll call Willy Wonka.

...these were both done from photo refs. Seems that they turn out a little closer to the actual persons likeness. Compare them to this next one. I did without a photo reference.

...stuff like eye, hair and nose details are most noticeable. but after poor "El Marr" i've decided to stick with a solid skin tone. I do however like the way i've rendered hair and wardrobe. It helps to make use of plenty of layers. By the way her nickname is Souixie. More to come perhaps tommorow.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year like happy New Year y'all. Oh man my keyboard is starting to scare me. It looks like it could use a hot soapy bath. Of course i'm not shure it will work afterward so i'm afraid to try. In other news we made 2 gingerbread houses. The first one was a kit that the girls helped decorate.

...The second one I made from scratch. I used a 3 by 5 index card as a template and cut 4 identical panels. The front and back panel i still used the 3 by 5 card but cut the rooflines by hand. It turned out like this.

...i guess next time i'll make the roof panels slightly larger than the walls. That way i can avoid having to go all Mike Holmes on it.

..."i'm going to have to tear it all down" LOL