Thursday, March 09, 2006

Omigod Omigod Omigod

...wahoooooozorz I'm like totally psyched. Our income tax return came in and i'm like ka-ching way cool now i can buy that drawing tablet. WOAH hoooold it. Looks like i made a mistake. The one I almost bought would have been a problem. It uses Bluetooth wireless technology (which is cool) but since i don't have no steeenking bluetooth port it might not work to well. Lucky for me the store i went to happened to also carry the higher end models. For $20 more I got this model. Shure its smaller than this but what i lose in surface area I more than gain in functionality. I don't bother with the mouse because I was able to leave my other mouse plugged in. I musta spent 5 or 6 hours playing with it and the bundled software (mainly Photoshop Elements 3) this makes drawing super easy. I also love the functionality of it within windows itself. Well i gotta go but be shure to check back often because I promise some new artwork will be appearing soon.

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