Sunday, March 12, 2006

Another Dinner Scetch

...maaaan I just love eating out at resturants. Especially ones where they give the kids crayons and activity placemats. I always end up drawing something. Last night we went to a certain resturant. OK here's a hint. Imagine there is a city in the US that is not only famous for the Bruins hockey team but they also make great Pizza. Got it? So anyway we were seated and I was able to watch the last period of the Toronto Maple Leafs beating the Tampa Bay Lightning. So what would you draw? I drew this.....

...well now thats some powerfull scanner you can see the reflection of the front of the paper with logo of said resturant near his skates. Guess one disadvantage of using crayon as a medium is there is no means to correct small mistakes. If you guess them I don't have any prizes. Anyway more artwork to come.


Anonymous said...

Don't you mean Calgary, Leafs have been on a losing streak for the last couple of years. Make to the playoffs but never go anywhere with it.

L8_4_Bed said...

Yay a comment finally. Heh heh Calgary umm no. If not the Leafs or the Canucks then best be the Red Wings or perhaps even (God forbid) the Sennators.