Monday, February 13, 2006

Yet Another Self Potrait

...yeppers it looks like another one. This time its was near grad. The library in the backgroung is a cleverly placed backdrop. Not shure what else to say 'bout this.

...the only thing i like about this was my hands. They look the most realistic element of the picture. Perhaps if i had taken the extra time to edit it i would have tryed to redraw my face. The offset of the eyes are somewhat correct but the nose and mouth are way too cartoonish. And of course i could have spent a little longer tightining the detail of the books in background. I suppose if i where to do my own webcomic i might start by defining settings with story board like backgrounds of where my charators live and interact. Or maby charactor development should be a priority. Anyway these are just musings at this point. More to come, possibly tommorow.

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