...The bike was inspired not devinely but from boss hoss bike that had a small block V8 engine instead of the usual V-Twin like a harley. By devine intervention so small a rider could handle so big a bike. Also i thought perhaps that since I thought there might not be too many saints some of them might do for other groups of people. So i figured my patron saint would also represent electric guitar players. Turns out its a good thing i'm not catholic. I might have been burned at the stake for heresey. Actually there are 2 patron saints for motorcyclists. The first is "The Blessed Virgin Mary" and i'm like "well duhhh". The second was Saint Columbanus who by what i could find did not play guitar instead did missions and tamed wild bears (with Gods help of course). As for guitarists well not that i could find so perhaps I'll suggest i should rename this picture to that instead.
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