...Thats right. This will be the last one for a while. This picture is called "You want some sushi?" It goes once again with that Japanese fascination i seem to have. I didn't actually try Sushi until some time a couple years ago. I really like the Tuna, Salmon and Ebi both as maki and sashimi. Good sushi is served with fresh ginger and wasabi. Ginger of course is good but wasabi is well umm lets just say its an aquired taste. I recently spotted wasabi flavored potato chips from lays. I bought a bag but have not opened them yet. Perhaps i'll try them later tonight. Anyway here's the picture.
...Not much else to add but perhaps i might plug in the scanner and scan this.
...its a schetch i did at Renee's Birthday dinner. We took her to Montana's. She did not wear the horn helmut so i drew this instead. Also since i ordered pan fried fish the little fisher had to catch em first. Ok by for now.
...i guess this describes the following picture. What does it mean? I haven't a clue. The title was "wipe your nose". If i where to guess it may have something to do with my choice of music that day. Does the "Digital Underground" ring any bells? How about "The Humpty Dance"? Ok if not then perhaps you might wan't to look here. Anyway you may have to draw your oun conclusions.

...and of course you could always leave a comment by clicking on the little green "comments" link below.
...The assingment was simple enough or so it whould seem. Do a modern stained glass design. Immediatly i thought of most classic stained glass and cathedrals with stained glass whose subject matter mostly included saints. Being raised protestant I really had no clue of any of the saints cannonized or immortalized in glass. So i thought of what group of people might not be represented by a patron saint. Since I thought motorcyclists were mostly bad dudes (which i liked) then they probably would not have a Patron Saint and thus i hoped that i would not offend anyone by inventing one. This picture was the result.

...The bike was inspired not devinely but from boss hoss bike that had a small block V8 engine instead of the usual V-Twin like a harley. By devine intervention so small a rider could handle so big a bike. Also i thought perhaps that since I thought there might not be too many saints some of them might do for other groups of people. So i figured my patron saint would also represent electric guitar players. Turns out its a good thing i'm not catholic. I might have been burned at the stake for heresey. Actually there are 2 patron saints for motorcyclists. The first is "The Blessed Virgin Mary" and i'm like "well duhhh". The second was Saint Columbanus who by what i could find did not play guitar instead did missions and tamed wild bears (with Gods help of course). As for guitarists well not that i could find so perhaps I'll suggest i should rename this picture to that instead.
...yeppers it looks like another one. This time its was near grad. The library in the backgroung is a cleverly placed backdrop. Not shure what else to say 'bout this.
...the only thing i like about this was my hands. They look the most realistic element of the picture. Perhaps if i had taken the extra time to edit it i would have tryed to redraw my face. The offset of the eyes are somewhat correct but the nose and mouth are way too cartoonish. And of course i could have spent a little longer tightining the detail of the books in background. I suppose if i where to do my own webcomic i might start by defining settings with story board like backgrounds of where my charators live and interact. Or maby charactor development should be a priority. Anyway these are just musings at this point. More to come, possibly tommorow.
...First of all i must apologise for the lack of posts so far this week. My excuse is simply that i've been sick with fly like symptoms. Anyway this assingment I'm proud to mention was the only one i recall that was a top of class selection from the other students and also earned an A grade. The idea was to draw something that demonstrated the concept of "Contrast". Not real shure what that meant but i remember thinking of the effect of adjusting the contrast control on a black and white television set. I thought of how i could give different weight to each color and using a sort of grey scale repersent it that would give defined contrast. The picture was in full color but i drew the lines and did the shading on that idea of grey scale weight. I think it turned out great....

...i guess the flash from the camera scared me because in the next picture i was crying but i didn't draw that one so you will have to imagine what it might have looked like. Of course i belive Naan, Oma and Opa still have the originals so they would know and be chuckling now. By the way we decided that our new cat will be named "Smoky" Ok bye for now.
...Once again I had another reproduction assignment. This time it was my choice. I chose this...
...The album cover of The Scorpions, Love At First Sting. I've played this tape so many times its warped. So mabey i'll buy the CD right? Nope i got something even better...vinyl! Bought it at a garage sale. But oh if only i could get a drive belt for my turntable. Just kidding. I figure that because i paid full retail for the tape so long ago then i must have some right to the music. So why not download select tracks in mp3 format. After all I could hook up the tape deck to the computer and rip it that way but why bother. Downloading is so much easyer. Anyway i've secretly wondered if this was some endorsment for double penetration. Its obious he's sticking his tattoo needle into her but is that all?? Hmm ok thats it for now.