Monday, April 24, 2006

Another Project Done

...Well i'm finally done another project. I'll wait and see if it is accepted before i post it here though. In other news I got an OK from another person from work. Once again she wanted to remain anonymous. Funny thing is that the first person i drew after seeing her picture asked me to do tonights person next but she did not select the next person so this might be the last for now.

...Also on a completly different topic I heard them play "Hurt" by Johnny Cash on CFOX today and it turns out that "Hurt" was in fact a cover of Nine Inch Nails. I have since listened to the original and have come to the same conclusion as before. Although there is no argument of the intense talent of Trent Reznor for writing lyrics I can't help cringe at the instumentation. I find the "industrial" sound difficult to listen to. So I guess if you can get past the ear torture then Nine Inch Nails might be worth a listen.

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