Tuesday, June 27, 2006

And now for the other one

...OK so here is the other visitor from Holland. I gather he doesn't have a nickname so I might suggest "Größermann" but only because in comparison to "Dee" whom he referred to as "Der Klinermann" to which I add "just because he's smaller than you doesn't any less of a man!" Ha I kill me. LOL

...looks as though I didn't miss them after all its just they are exploring Vancouver Island for a few days before leaving next week. So I have made for them PTH Visitor Passes using todays drawing and the one from yesterday.
Also got the car fixed. I cost me only a mere $388.95. WTF ONLY A MERE!!! I might be broke for vacation time.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Good News Bad News

...the good news is that for the past few weeks we've had some cool folks visiting from Holland at work. I wanted to give them a neat souvenir but didn't make it in time. But I have done one picture.

...and the bad news? the window on my car refuses to go up. the motor runs but there is a grinding noise. Great anyway I'm going straight to the dealership today. See y'all maybe later today maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Cropped for convenience

...I finally got something to work the way i wanted and this pic will make it neater. Only the original was way too big so i've cropped it to get the pic above. I've taken my camera to work and will be doing some more drawings with photo refs soon. Check you later

Monday, June 05, 2006

Some Recent Schetches

...I've taken to carrying 5x8 writing pad on a 9x6 clip board and a pencil tucked under the clip that makes the page 5x7. When I have time at work i've done some recent schetches. Here they are slighly enhanced via photoshop and
my scanner.

...the first one (up top) is suppost to be a co-workers '98 FORD Ranger and he was going to pose beside it OCC style but when i got that far lunch break was over so perhaps another time i'll get to draw him. The next ones of the work benches we use at work. And the last one is of Christina, driving her Honda Civic. Unfortunatly she also doesn't have a nick name that I was aware of so in this case its her "real" name hope she don't sue me. What I enjoyed about her drawing was the hair. Well thats all for now.